How to Distribute Wholesale Post-Harvest Weed Seeds

by | Nov 25, 2023 | Cannabis E-commerce, Seed & Strain Creation, Wholesale

Most cannabis cultivators have ended up with too many cannabis seeds at some point in their cultivation career. Whether you’re a novice grower who accidentally let a crop cross-pollinate or a seasoned cultivator working to create the perfect cultivar, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing when you end up with more weed seeds than you can grow yourself. 

If you’ve ever wondered what to do with those extra seeds, you’re in luck — with Symple Seeds, you can wholesale your bulk cannabis seeds after harvest. Just send us your seeds, and we’ll cover the rest. 

A Guide to Harvesting for Cannabis Seed Wholesale Suppliers

Even though Symple Seeds will sort and germ test every seed you send us, it’s still important to take care when harvesting your seeds. 

How Long Do Weed Seeds Need to Dry?

Like most seeds, cannabis seeds must be processed appropriately to ensure they germinate and last in storage. After removing them from the plants, you need to clean the seeds carefully and spread them on a surface with good airflow in a relatively cool, dry room. Cannabis seeds must be dried for about two weeks before being ready for storage or cultivation. 

How Long Can You Hold Weed Seeds?

As long as they are correctly stored, marijuana seeds five to ten years old should germinate without issue. 

To ensure the longevity of your cannabis seeds, you should store your seeds in an opaque, airtight container in a cold environment. Keep the moisture content in the seed container under control with a humidity pack or similar solution. 

Figuring out the exact right way to store cannabis seeds long-term can take a bit of trial and error; don’t expect a 100% germination rate from your first batch. If you decide to wholesale your cannabis seeds with a cannabis seed distributor like Symple Seeds, though, that won’t be a problem. Simply send us your seeds, and we’ll process, test, and store them in our specialized storage facilities. We’ll even package them and send them out to your customers, too. 

Are Old Cannabis Seeds Good?

It depends. If cannabis seeds are stored correctly, you might be able to grow a heritage cannabis plant from 15-year-old seeds. If they haven’t been processed or stored correctly, seeds from just last year’s harvest might not germinate. 

Because seed quality can vary so much, it’s essential to germ test your cannabis seeds before you sell them to the public. This process can be time-consuming and involved, and if you’re running a dispensary or cultivation operation, you might not have time to test each seed individually. Partnering with a professional cannabis seed company like Symple Seeds can save you time and ensure customer satisfaction since we’ll test all your seeds for you. 

Is Shipping Weed Seeds Legal?

We’ve talked a lot about partnering with a cannabis seed company, like Symple Seeds, to distribute your wholesale cannabis seeds. But is shipping cannabis seeds to our warehouse — and distributing cannabis seeds to e-commerce customers across the country — even legal?

Yes, it is! The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) recently confirmed that cannabis seeds are federally legal since they contain less than 0.3% THC by dry weight. Thanks to this regulation, shipping cannabis seeds across state lines is entirely legal. 

No matter where your cannabis company operates, you can send your bulk cannabis seeds to one of Symple Seeds’ warehouses. And no matter where your customers are, we can deliver your cannabis seeds to them. 

The Symple Way to Distribute Your Wholesale Cannabis Seeds Post-Harvest

The easiest way to distribute your bulk cannabis seeds is to partner with a cannabis seed distribution company like Symple Seeds. We will handle every step of the process when it comes to wholesaling cannabis seeds — just send your cannabis seed harvest our way, and we’ll take care of the rest. 

Symple Seeds will test, sort, pack, store, and ship your cannabis seeds to your customers. We can even help you capture customers with our proprietary payment processing system, customer service agents, and cannabis e-commerce platform, which can all be easily added directly to your existing website. 


To learn more about our services or get started wholesaling your cannabis seeds the easy way, contact Symple Seeds today

Contact us today for tailor-made cannabis seed solutions.

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